Hoang Ha + Dawn AD

First of all, I want to apologize for the lack of update in my blog recently. December 2011 has been a very hectic month for me, shooting about 5 weddings and 2 pre-wedding. I realize that by then I was quite burnt out and needed a long break after clearing all the edit. Considering I started going 'full-time' only a few months ago after my graduation in July, this has certainly been a very rewarding experience.  I hope that in this brand new year I will be able to start with a fresh and greater momentum.

Today, I just want to share a wedding of Hoang Ha and Dawn which I shot together with Yixin/Picscanfly in December 2011. Absolutely gorgeous wedding right from the cup cakes all the way to the cute dog, and not forgetting he joy and laughter from the couple.



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