Clifton + Jada AD

I was fortunate enough to be able to document Clifton & Jada's AD together with Yixin (Picscanfly) recently. The wedding affair was pretty simple, just a morning picking up the bride at the hotel and some prayer before they left for the groom's house for the traditional tea ceremony. However, on their return to the hotel room for the bride's side of tea ceremony they were greeted by a platoon of enthusiastic relatives that made the otherwise traditional mundane ceremony so interesting. The night segment also ended with a finale of dance segment which perfectly fit Jada's fun and lively personality. All the best to the newly wed and enjoy some of my fav from the day!

p.s.By the way, if you have not noticed I am starting to post in a bigger resolution since the last AD series. I feel the pictures deserve a bigger space not clumped up together like how I used to lay them out :P

Photographer: Andri Tei (second shooting for Yixin/Picscanfly)
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel, Singapore.


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