Raymond + Winnie AD

Raymond and Winnie's wedding is one of the more interesting wedding I have attended. They began the day with the awesome gate crashing where the brothers carried placards containing messages to ban gatecrashing and that they did not want to 'pay for their suffering'. Unfortunately, the campaign was thrown out of the window and they were still subjected to the usual extortion and games. Nevertheless, pretty cool idea I must say :P

The couple also took a lot of time to plan for their wedding and even wanted a segment to fly off a lantern at Marina Barrage. Unfortunately, the wind was just too strong and the sun was just unbearably hot that the shot had to be called off. Nonetheless, I managed to sneak in some shots when the guys from Lighthouse Studio were directing the couple at the Barrage and was pretty satisfied with the results :D


Photography: Andri Tei (2nd shooting for Yixin/Picscanfly)
Videography: Lighthouse Studio
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Hotel


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