Kelvin + Madeleine AD Snippet

I just want to share two quick shots that I really like from Kelvin and Madeleine's AD that I was second shooting for Yixin/Picscanfly last December 2012 and some of my thought process that went into capturing these photographs.

Church wedding can be quite a challenge and if you are lucky, the venue is grand and/or rustic (though I don't think we have any 'rustic' church over here in Singapore, I just envy those in the other parts of the globe like Europe). When none of that is available, it is up to one to make the perspective somewhat interesting with framing and whatever is usable.

In the second shot which is the moment before the start of the gatecrash, I liked how the nonchalant old lady in wheelchair was positioned just nicely in contrast to the group of enthusiastic bridesmaid waiting for the groom.


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