New Year's Eve Special Feature: Lytro Camera

I had wanted to post these series of images earlier but I thought what better way to end the year than to have a special feature using a special camera. I have been fortunate to be given the opportunity as a Lytro social sharer earlier in October this year. The task was to shoot using the Lytro and show its special feature of 'shoot first, focus later'.

Light field camera, to sum it up, is unlike a conventional camera whereby there is only one plane of focus. Instead, it captures the depth of the scene as well and allow you to re-focus the plane after the shot has been taken. Of course this does not mean that one can get away with sloppy techniques. Instead, I realize that all the more composition becomes more crucial as a way to display Lytro's strength (changing the point of focus from the front to the back).

I decided to put the camera to test by incorporating it in my street photography walkabout. I wanted to test its ability to really stand up to its slogan 'shoot first, focus later'. I am pleasantly surprised that shutter lag is very minimal on the Lytro, on par if not better than most compact cameras on the market right now. Coupled with the lack of need for focussing and its non-camera like appearance, makes the Lytro a good choice for inconspicuous street shooting.

I have selected some of my favorites from the past two months with the Lytro. The full set of images are also available here
Happy New Year 2013 everybody!

Special thanks to Michelle Lam/TLBB and Qoolabs for the Lytro.


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