Chung Ping + Christine AD

I knew Chung Ping (CP) through another mutual friend Jing Quan (JQ) . It all started due to common interest we had at the time (photography), and partly because we all owned the same camera Fujifilm (Chung Ping used to have the S3pro while me and JQ owned the S5). We kept in touch but did not really go out shooting as much as everyone was busy with their own life and work.

When CP came to me earlier this year to ask me to photograph his wedding, I was glad not just because he trusted me to capture his big day but because it felt like a big reunion of all the photography friends again. He engaged Aaron Wende, another fellow friend and an amazing cinematographer and asked JQ to be one of his brother on that day. For me it did not feel like another job but more like just being there as a friend witnessing and being part of their big day.

Enjoy some of my pick from their Pre-wedding as well as the Actual Day.

Makeup Artist: Fionna Lau (
Cinematography: Aaron Wende (


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